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Most people only think about new tyres when they’ve failed the NCT and you have to replace them. It’s then, when we go to replace them, that we’re faced with a confusing range of tyre options from which we have to choose. To most people, all tyres look the same except some are a lot cheaper than others.

So how do you know when you need to replace your tyres and what to look for in new ones.

We’ve put together some helpful tips for you to make that decisions a little easier.

Check your tyres for damage or wear
Be sure to check your tyres for any signs of wear, such as discoloration or cracks. If you notice any signs of damage or wear on your tyres, call into any Atlas Autoservice for a free inspection by one of our tyre experts.

When buying your new tyres what do you need to think about?
The most important thing to remember when buying new tyres is to buy ones that are right for your car.

What are the correct tyres for my car?
The first thing you’ll need when going to buy new tyres is your tyre size. You can find this on the sidewall of your tyre. It may also be listed on the placard inside your driver’s side door or in your owner’s manual.

Your owner’s manual will also be able to tell you the tyre size, speed rating and load rating. They are the things you need to know when shopping for new tyres.

New Tyre Size

Get a tyre Quote

The make and model, as well as how you use your car are all important to selecting the right tyre. The tyres you choose may be different if you only drive to the school and the shops then if you regularly take long journeys down the country.

There may be several tyre options available to suit your car. Our tyre experts can talk you through the features and benefits of each tyre to make sure you have the information you need to make the right choice of tyres for your needs.

The tyres that come with your car (also known as OE – original equipment tyres) are selected because they’re well suited to your car, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily the best ones for your driving needs.

Know Your Price

Tyres are one of the most important parts of your car, so it’s important not to scrimp on them. At the same time, you don’t want to end up with more tyre than you need.  For a quote or further advice please click here (link)
How to spot a second rate tyre?
When buying tyres a good rule of thumb is to go with the brands you know.There’s always a temptation to save a few quid and buy budget tyres when you are faced with spending a small fortune on new tyres. But before you do think of the risks you’re taking.
Our tyres perform a number of vital functions on our cars. They allow us to accelerate, steer and brake safely, and they allow us to do it on all road surfaces in all weather conditions.Buying tyres from an unknown brand is potentially compromising some, or all of those functions. Plus buying poor quality tyres is potentially putting your safety and the safety of your passengers at risk.
Why not call into your local Atlas Autoservice branch and we will be happy to provide a free no obligation inspection and quotation.

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